Neglected advanced giant squamous cell carcinomas and Cetuximab:The revolution of monoclonal antibodies

Posted on август 1, 2022

The diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is primarily based on clinical features. A biopsy or excision and histologic confirmation should be performed in
all suspicious clinical cases in order to facilitate the subsequent correct management . First line treatment in patients with SCC is the complete surgical excision. The EDF-EADO-EORTC consensus group recommends a standardized minimal margin of 5mm even for low-risk tumors. For tumors, with histological thickness of >6mm or in tumors with high risk pathological features an extended margin of 10 mm is recommended. Lymph node ultrasound could be also highly recommended, especially in tumors with high-risk histopathological characteristic. In the case of clinical suspicion or positive findings upon imaging, a histologic confirmation should be sought either by fine needle aspiration or by open lymph node biopsy.Continue reading

Key words: neglected squamous cel carsinoma, cetuximab